Endowment Society of the Calgary Registered Music Teachers

Announces our Third Annual


Deadline EXTENDED to June 30, 2024

It's time to pull out your director's chair and your video recorder and get creative!

Winners will be announced by the 16th of August

Contest Description

Students of ARMTA Calgary teachers are invited to submit an original creative video that visually portrays a piece of music or speech arts that they are studying or have recently studied.

Five prizes are available!

  • First place: $125
  • Second place: $100
  • Three random draws of $50


General Rules and Regulations

Entry requires:

1) an online application form
2) a signed consent form (must be signed by parent or guardian if the student is under 18)
3) upload of student’s video in .mp4, .mv4, .mov, .wmv, .avi, .webm, .mkv, or .flv format.
4) students must be studying with an ARMTA Calgary member in good standing at the time of submission
5) only one submission per student per competition
6) all entries are expected to be in good taste and obscene or inappropriate work will be disqualified

To be eligible for a prize, videos must meet these guidelines:

  1. Videos are original and created by a student, with minimal assistance:
    a. Student is responsible for ideas and direction
    b. An assistant can help with the filming
    c. A student can receive instruction on editing the video, but they must be involved in the process. Edits should be the student’s idea
  2. Only solo pieces/selections are allowed (soloist, plus accompanist if applicable)
  3. Extras can appear in the video as non-performers
  4. Student must be seen performing their piece or selection for a minimum of 30 seconds
  5. Any additional music/speech in the video must be performed by the student (with exception of an accompanist for musical submissions)
  6. Camera should be in landscape orientation
  7. Video must utilize a minimum of two props
  8. Outfit worn should reflect the piece or selection
  9. Maximum video length is 5min (can be a complete piece or shortened version)
  10. Original compositions are allowed

Winners' videos will be published on our website and in our Impromptu newsletter

Videos will be judged on:

  • Overall Presentation
  • Creativity
  • Complexity
  • Time Invested
  • Integration of Props
  • Use of Outfit
  • Dramatic Elements

Questions? Contact Nathene Arthur

Past Video Competitions

Click the project to open

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