Endowment Society of the Calgary Registered Music Teachers
Announces our Fourth Annual
Pull out your crayons, paint or coloured pencils and let your creative juices flow!
Contest Description
Students of ARMTA Calgary teachers are invited to create a poster that visually portrays a piece of music or speech arts selection that they are studying or have recently studied. The entries will be categorized into one of two *age brackets:
10 years and under 11 years and over
* Each age category has three prizes available!
- First place: $80
- Second place: $60
- Third place: $40
We will also hold three random draws of $25 each
* In an effort to award maximum prizes, we reserve the right to re-categorize the age brackets if there is a shortage applicants in one category.
General Rules and Regulations
Entry requires:
1) an online application form
2) a signed consent form (must be signed by parent or guardian if the student is under 18)
3) upload of student’s poster in .pdf, png, .jpg, .tif, or .gif format
4) Students must be studying with an ARMTA Calgary member in good standing at the time of submission
5) Category is determined by the student’s age as of the entry deadline
6) Only one submission per student per competition
7) All entries are expected to be in good taste and obscene or inappropriate work will be disqualified
To be eligible for a prize, posters must meet these guidelines:
- Posters must be original and created by the student without assistance.
- Posters must be hand made without the use of a computer.
- Any size is acceptable, as long as the file can be uploaded in a PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIF or GIF format.
- The poster must represent a piece of music or speech arts selection that the student is studying, which is specified on the application form.
- Posters must incorporate the following elements:
- Picture/visualization of your instrument or discipline
- The title of the piece being represented
- The name of the composer or author
- One measure of the music (or one line of lyrics for voice or speech arts).
- The above elements should be creatively integrated into the poster.
- Sign your work! The student’s first name must appear in the lower right corner the poster.
Winners' posters will be published on our website and in our Impromptu newsletter!
Deadline: Sunday June 15, 2025
Winners will be notified by the 27th of July
Posters will be judged on
(but not limited to)
the following elements:
• overall presentation
• creativity
• complexity
• time invested
• attention to detail
• use of colour or shading
• spelling & legibility
Questions? Contact the Administrator